Wednesday, April 21, 2010

oh what a beautiful morning

Yup. The cattle didn't move their heads as they saw me walk by, and the corn at the Union Square farmer's market was definitely as high as an elephant's eye. My morning started not with the loud beeping of my alarm clock, but instead with my internal alarm clock saying, "Hey! Hey there! You wanted to wake up 20 minutes ago!" To which I responded, "You know what, body? You're right! Hey thanks! You're not so bad." And promptly got my bootay moving to a great workout with my intellectually challenged but physically fit trainer Christine, who regaled me with thrilling tales of Jersey life...making dinner for her boyfriend's friends (who I imagine look like the cast of Jersey Shore), going out on Saturday, being hungover on know, only the really vital things. But then she told me I looked skinnier, and suddenly all was forgiven. Win #1.

Usually, after training at 7am...that's right friends that's in the morning...I go next door to Think Coffee (best iced coffee in the city) and read for a while before hopping the subway to work, but I'm finished with my book club book and haven't started another, so I decided to stroll to work instead. Now, I've been walking to work for weeks, but when I walk, I walk. There is no dawdling. Hello I'm in training! Today, though, I had some time and the weather is GORGEOUS, so I set out to take the full 50 minutes I had to dawdle to work, instead of the usual 30. It wasn't very difficult to do, as I immediately stumbled upon the Union Square farmer's market. WHAT?! It's ever M/W/F/Sat and I could not be happier about it. In the future, I'll plan out my meals a little better so I can take full advantage of this shmamazing thang, but for today I settled for a taste of homemade raspberry jam and a whole lot of great smells. WIN #2.

Win #3 I guess came before Win #1, but I'm going with it. Serrr American Idiot opened on the big BWay last night, and they released the cast album on the same day (which is insane and AMAZING), so I obvi downloaded it last night. It did NOT disappoint. The album is every bit as kickass as the show, and I love the raw quality of it, as opposed to the over produced albums of today (cough Spring Awakening cough). Anydoodle, this album got me through my workout and my stroll, and occasionally I jammed along embarrassingly. I maybe have listened to it 3 times already. So, it is WIN #3.

Win #4 is best described through pictures....

Oh hey there, Empire State, how you doin?

Tell me that's not the coolest effing thing ever.

A little respite in Bryant Park.

I mean come on, right?! This city, man. It's pretty freaking sweet. Anyway, I've decided to try to make mornings my thing. Even if I don't go to the gym, I think just taking some extra time in the morning can set the pace for a great day. We'll see how long this fight with my snooze button lasts, but it's at least a good thought.

In other news, I haven't fundraised in a week. OOPS. Oh well, this week: mornings, next week: money.

LOVE and sunshine,

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